Thursday, July 17, 2008

That Girl.

It's not necessarily in my nature to be a bitch and I think that for the most part I really have good intentions and try my best to be nice to everyone, even when I can't stand them. Don't get me wrong, I f I don't like someone I don't go out of my way to be chummy with them but I will certainly say hello during the daily grind.

I'm at this party last night celebrating my smash hit off Broadway show "LOLA: Around the World in Eighty Ways".
 We are marketing it for a reality series, I will of course keep you posted as we trek along in the adventure to get this fine nugget of theatre formatted for an outrageous television romp. But enough of me plugging my show, back to that girl.

I'm at this party and our company manager who has shown me time after time that she is useless. I mean, just U to the seless. She works hard at not working. How shall I describe her? She is round and pudgy with little midget digits for fingers with some kankly brown curls that fall just above her shoulders. She holds herself with a more than slight hunch in her back as to impersonate the Hunch Back of Notre Dame perhaps? I dunno. Anyway, she has some crazy ass snaggle teeth that are only puncuated by her pointy nose that darts at them. Glasses sit on this nose and constantly look as though they are about to plummet to their death below her Te
va's. She walks around consistently trying to nudge her way into every ones conversations and eating and drinking everything in sight, as oppose to working. I don't mean to be a bitch, but this is my company manager.

I often go into my producers office and see her doing nothing and last night I watched her do even more nothing, but she works hard at it. My point? I am a nice and friendly gal just trying to get my star to rise. I pride myself on the smiling face I keep during situations that are not to my liking and when putting up with people that are not to my liking. I'm a model at heart you must remember, I can stand in freezing water and my face will make you think I'm in the Bahama's. This girl was walking around the party last night butting her way into conversations, spilling wine and shoving fod into her bat cave of a mouth with those damn miglits. And we all tried, the cast and I, but we just can't take it anymore.

So what do we do from here? Do we keep being nice? Do we tell her to suck it hard and take a f**king hike? I just want to know why the producers hired her in the first place. Pitty...I suppose. I can't do it anymore. If she eats one more chip in front of me or one more fruity slushy beverage when she should be workking my shiny exterior just might crack!

Does anyone have that girl in their life too?

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